Average GPS coordinates for BARRIO SAN JORGE (SAN FERNANDO, PDO. SAN FERNANDO) Postcode location: -34.444, -58.578. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). BARRIO SAN JORGE (SAN FERNANDO, PDO. SAN FERNANDO) on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (1):
>> BUENOS AIRES, 1646 BARRIO SAN JORGE (SAN FERNANDO, PDO. SAN FERNANDO), GPS coordinates: -34.4442,-58.5775
Listing cities & postcodes (1):
>> BUENOS AIRES, 1646 BARRIO SAN JORGE (SAN FERNANDO, PDO. SAN FERNANDO), GPS coordinates: -34.4442,-58.5775